A breeder shared with me his analogy and i really like it as it matches to my other blog post Michelin Star. In other words, in the hands of a Chef/Painter they are able to create outstanding food/painting but not everyone given the same set of things will be able to deliver the same result. The eye for detail, the dash of salt, and so on is what make a great chef even better.

I have got quite a number of questions on how i use Lubao and i’ll share how i use them however again there is no definite way and i’ll share what i learn from Taiwan.

Before i use the lubao, i’ll soak them for 3-6 days to leech out the coloration and then kick start the biofilm process. While soaking, remember to change the water daily in the container that you are using it to soak. Please do not pour the water that you soak your lubao into the shrimp tank (there is a reason why we soak it outside the tank first). Lubao if kept dry can last a very long time since the high quality content are all dehydrated. The lubao that i pack are measured to a certain proportion and it has to be hardpacked individually to ensure every one are made correctly.

Soaking the ball 3-6 days, change water daily, do not pour the water use for soaking into the shrimp tank

During the soaking process, normally i’ll change water daily in the container to help speed up the process. Once the soaking is done, i’ll drop them into the tank and leave them 1 month for best result and than change out when either it floats up or after 1 month

Lubao are generally used for tanks that have more than 10-15 shrimp as personally anything lesser don’t quite benefit from it since the tank would be able to produce biofilm for them to graze. So from a tank size standpoint, even smaller tanks are able to use lubao just that the number of shrimp in that tank will still need to be of a certain number. In other words, if i have tanks with 5 shrimp, than i’ll not use it until they start throwing out shrimplets, i’ll then start introducing.

i generally use 40L tanks to do selective breeding 2M 6-10F and then transfer the shrimplets to grow up tank which are generally 80-100L. So in both those tanks i’ll use Lubao. As long as the tank is properly cycled, using Lubao will have no negative impact on water quality.

i have seen drastic difference when Lubao is use, females in general are more ready to saddle and berry. Cannibalism is greatly reduced which protects the female from getting eaten after molt. Taken together, i have seen a lot of advantage in using such a small yet important ball which helps breeders with a lot of tank and also those who are very busy with their daily work to be able to enjoy their hobby when they can.

Hope this helps!

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