There are a myriad of different type of food available in the market and also plenty of home made recipe that shrimps consume as well. However, what really is important is providing good quality feed for your shrimp. if you are currently feeding a good staple and it’s doing well, keep going.

Feeding quality feed for your shrimp is like what the old adage says, you are what you eat. This is true for your shrimps as well and also for overall water quality. It is highly critical that the food fed in the tank does not negatively impact the water quality. Hence, it is important that the quality of the food are fed also in an appropriate amount, sufficient for the shrimp to consume within a few hours and then the rest of the food either taken out or consume by snails.

Personally after trying so many types of food, the draw factor is the highest for Hwa Version 1. What is a draw factor? It means that the shrimp are drawn to the food like honey to bee, it’s very quick resulting in shrimps able to quickly get their daily nutritional uptake. Hwa Version 1 feed has always been my favourite as it comprises of all the nutritional factor to maintain a healthy shrimp.

With the right staple food like Hwa v1 coupled with Lubao will set the stage for the shrimps to breed more and live healthily. The lubao that i use are individually hand packed by myself to ensure the correct portion and freshness are in every ball. Instead of me rambling on, please enjoy the below videos on the testimonials of Hwa V1.