On the first part of shrimp tank setup there wasn’t a step by step on how to do the setup. With the recent expansion a fellow hobbyist suggested that I share how it was done.

Siesta UGF

UGF cut to size and add in black foam above the UGF. This is to increase surface area of bacteria growth and also prevent soil from going too far into the UGF.

RODI Water tube and air tube are being placed into the setup

Add in the chiller pipes and install the UGF front plate to form a ‘removal’ UGF system during reset. This allow me to reset much faster compared to permanent UGF however both ways are fine and i have both as well.

Water in, board cut to size to shield from glaring light

Lights on!

All is done. Remember if you need the specification of the soil/water/ etc please visit the shrimp tank setup part one!