Recently there has been a discussion around learning and how do we determine if we have learn and progress?

To many learning is all about trying different setup, powder, food, water etc but with their current shrimp.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that but that only means you are refining your knowledge around your current shrimp.

Take for example breeder A breeds CRS or normal PRL that is fairly easy to breed. Crystal red shrimp are tolerant to a wide range of water parameters.

Breeder B on the other hand had experience with CRS and decided to take the plunge to breed BFT.

Which breeder do you think will learn more in depth about shrimp keeping?

You are right! breeder B. The reason is very simple, learning how to breed a far more difficult shrimp will allow you to breed easier shrimp with ease. The knowledge of breeding a difficult shrimp goes into very fine details about shrimp breeding that isn’t required for easier shrimp. Please keep in mind that this is an example, we do know there are very high grade Crystal shrimp that could cost on par with BFT at a few thousand dollars. These are championship shrimp.

Another point to note is that difficult shrimp is due to stringent line breeding causing the gene to be weaken but gives the desire trait pattern and or Color. The shrimp generally become more sensitive to water parameters, doesn’t saddle as frequently, doesn’t hold eggs more than 10 days, doesn’t adapt well to new environment.

Whereas on the other hand a easy shrimp is normally easy to breed and tolerate a wide range of water parameters.

So the next time you purchase your shrimp, ask the breeder if they have any difficult shrimp, because if they can’t tell you what difficult shrimp they are keeping, then you are better off purchasing from another breeder who have far more experience.

So far on the market the most difficult shrimp is from Hwa taiwan shrimp – graded Black fancy tiger. Skyfish – graded Boa. So have you got your BFT and Boa yet?