Thanks for all the support to the blog and as I continue to pen down my experience and thoughts, please keep those replies coming. For those who have supported me through “virtual coffee” really appreciate it. So in this entry, I will touch on what I focus and why. when I was scooping shrimps and shifting them in preparation for reset it kind of daunt in me, what’s worth the time?

What’s worth the time? I stood back and kind of think through as I update the whiteboard on shrimp placement.

I must keep what I like, and I can’t be keeping something that I don’t like. That is because I’m a hobbyist and not a seller who’s sole purpose is to sell and make a profit regardless if they like it or not.

As we grow over the course of shrimp keeping, our focus change and shrimp liking change but there will be a shrimp that holds a strong value in your heart and that is important. The reason is because this will drive what is needed to be done in terms of shrimp selection resetting etc. When it all comes down to that I will still select black fancy tiger as the main stay. I do have other high grade shrimp but the main focus for me is still BFT. For those who have followed my blog you can tell I have spend considerable time on the BFT topic. So when I was spending time on other shrimp I realize I should be focusing more time on the BFT and the reason is every hobbyist has a set given amount of time. Nobody have 25hours in their day so given the hectic pace of life and the short duration you can spend in your shrimp room, what will you think is worth your time.

It can be PRL, RFT, DBB or any other shrimp that you really like to keep and then focus on that shrimp. If you see I did not put a value over what is worth my time as I treat all shrimps equal. The only difference is how much value it holds dear in your heart. This will help in your shrimp keeping direction and continue to do well it it. Time to select out the males from females in the grow up tank can take an hour or two, if you don’t do that then you are literally going back 2-3 generation. Breeding shrimps can be fun but I guess the direction of where you are heading is important as well.

For those who know me, I have now 2 children, a day job that consist of 50% travel and a total of 17 tanks with empty space for more. I have over the years consolidated the smaller tanks to bigger tanks. So with the shear time away from home and the responsibility as a father, i really hope even those who are really busy to have a setup that you can let it run naturally and still enjoy the hobby of shrimp breeding. Once the setup is done right, most of the things fall in place, all is needed really is water change and feeding.

So today while you are looking at your shrimps, spend some time to see what is worth your time and what you are looking to change to make the excellent shrimp breeding hobby even better.