Onwards Forward

Sharing the knowledge

Recapping my goals for 2021 was to venture into Boa and really get into it deep and fast. I was fortunate because i have great support from Taiwan breeders particularly Hwa and also Skyfish whom have graciously supported my learning curve in it. With that i had great results thus far and the bred out is really amazing. Though few, however they’re of great quality and grading on the shrimplet. It is indeed the quality of shrimplet that matters and their shrimps have met that mark.

I would recommend if possible if you would like great shrimplets to consider getting shrimps direct from breeders to ensure the highest possible genetic pool.

With that i have also ventured into sharing more information on a weekly basis over the last 1 year. I have met many great friends along the way and certainly grew a lot in the shrimp knowledge with great interactions with you all.

It has been a wonderful 2021 and what is my goals for 2022?


Don’t be afraid to try and venture because what could the worst be?

If you don’t fail, you are not even trying. I think today with all the hype about having great shrimps but people don’t share that to get there, there are a lot of setbacks. However, one can think that those are not setbacks but setup to propel you further. Failing is what make one stronger and better.

I personally have failed many times and i still continue to fail from time to time. There are people who keep pushing me down to get up, which i didn’t listen to those naysayers and run my race.

My goals for 2022 is simple:

  1. Progress in the hobby by expanding and sharing
  2. Share more knowledge through blogging and YouTube

The plan to get there:


    1. Expand 3x of current
    2. Breed more shrimps
    3. Share with more people and breeders overseas


    1. Utilize YouTube format to share more information
    2. continue to use blog as a delivery method

So that is my 2022 goals, simple and very broad but will continue to share along the way.

Now i have share with you my 2022 goals, what is yours?
