Introduced in Germany Shrimp Contest 2022

New shrimps in 2023

There will be a potential release of more new shrimps in the market as new and more innovative shrimp hybrids are being done with certain stability. However, it depends on when the shrimp will be suitable for release and please stay tune for new releases during International shrimp contest.

I would like to take the opportunity for the organizers for the German International Shrimp contest for hosting it and making it an eventful one. Certainly appreciate the time and effort on doing that.

Why the name Snowfall

Before we go straight into the background information of Snowfall, it is a great opportunity to share the reason and also some information that got us here today.

Over the last few years, new shrimps that are nice and popular has ceased to exist due to covid and the lack of new shrimps. There are actually 2 criteria for having a “New Shrimp”. First obviously it have to be new and second it must be well accepted.

What it means for breeder is to ensure they think of a potentially well liked shrimp to create. This by itself is no guarantee an outcome that will work for all. Hence to try and create a well liked new shrimp is not as straightforward as it seems. However, we have done it and while it is always a work in progress, this could also be a birth to something even greater. In other words, Snowfall can be use as a ‘tool’ shrimp to create new and better shrimp in future as the options for crossing increases.


The name Snowfall resides in having taken Japan as the origin of where the hobby was founded. In honor of the origin, we used the word はつゆきwhich means the first snow of a new winter.

はつゆき (Hatsuyuki pronounce as Ha tsu yuki) or 初雪 (Chinese pronounce as Chu Xue) With that the name “Snowfall” was coined.

Red and Black

With Snowfall coming in two color variations, take your pick! The spots on the shrimp resembles the snowfall glittering and sparkling behind a red sunset. The stunning appearance captures the eye of the breeder with legs transforming into multiple red and white spots.

The white spots against the night skies highlights Black Snowfall. This splendid looking shrimp still requires refinement to maintain the line of having multiple spots on the shrimp.

Snowfall captures new and experienced hobbyist due to the contrasting patterns that continues to stabilize through selective breeding. Snowfall is relatively easy to breed and will do well in a wide range of water parameters. As this is a newly create shrimp, please note that we are the only ones so far that will have the original shrimps. If in doubt of lineage of snowfall, please contact us directly.

2 replies
  1. Вячеслав
    Вячеслав says:

    Отличная статья, очень занимательная и интересная. Постоянно слежу за вашими обсуждениями и советами, спасибо вам большое за это. Новые выведенные креветки- это огромный труд и новая тяга к росту, новое желание к достижимости цели. Стремление к новому, интересному.

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