Just pointing you to this shrimp good guide will be an easy way out for this post.


When I look through all the Brand that were tested there isn’t any from Taiwan. Didn’t most of our shrimp you keep today originated from Taiwan?

Why isn’t there any food secret being share?

Apparently there are a lot of safe guarded secrets within Taiwan but due to language barrier not many are being marketed outside and those who do are those who have a stronger command in language.

That being said what food do I use?

This is Hwa food version 1 which I have asked him to specially make it for me as it has phased out sometime ago. The reason for his newer version is the improvement in a lesser pungent smelling food.

Why did I even ask to have this specially made again ? Reason is fairly simple, his original ingredient is really good and the shrimps really devour all the good ingredients for a stronger brood in future.

A happy breeder in US! Using Hwa food.