Why change can bring improvements

Process improvements

While it may be difficult for change as it requires work and action, but change by itself if for the better helps in the long term.

Tank reset:

While we know we have to reset our tanks sooner or later, eventually some even put off the tank reset and convince themselves it will last another month or 6 months or a year. I think there are no best way to shrimp keeping, as long as the breeding continues i think it will be great. However, many a times soil depletes it’s buffering capacity if using the thin soil method at a rather quick time frame. A reset between 8-12 months is something to consider.

It will also help clear up all the debris, filters and re-create a better place for the shrimps again.


While we progress on with the hobby it’s always good to learn new things, new method to improve the current process, this will help save you time and energy. For example, water change process and also keeping things simple on the air system.

The more time it is to create that new infrastructure in the beginning will certainly help with saving more time in future.


Have you wonder why some breeder’s setup is so neat and tidy and very pleasing to the eye? Yes they have make it simple by decluttering their space and also the tank setup.

Hobbyist vs Commercial and what’s the inbetween?

In general a telltale sign between a hobbyist and a commercial breeder is the tank setup. In general, a hobbyist would have more resources to allocate for a few tanks vs a commercial breeder.

The in between is like me where i have both hobbyist setup and commercial setup for the sole purpose of bringing in good shrimps and of cause to share it with friends in the hobby.

During this process i have also learn more about the differences on the shrimp adaptability, while the more hardy ones can take more ‘beating’ the more sensitive ones still require special attention.

Keep growing

I think when we stop growing and learning, we stop progressing, be it for shrimp hobby or life, it’s quite the same. Hence, i ask myself, when do people stop growing and learning? Esp. When we are going through the rat race, the mindless repetition of spending hours and than go back home and not pursue your dreams. A quote

“Do not go to work for 8-10 hours a day and go back home and not work on your dreams. You are not tired, you uninspired” 

Even small steps towards your goal would be great if we keep doing it everyday for 1 hour, in a year we are better than we are before with 365 hours put in.

I have seen many procrastinating about change and the work they have to do, putting it off to tomorrow, and tomorrow didn’t come. For me it is straight forward, there is no one day, it is because there is only Monday to Sunday. One day doesn’t come in, some day doesn’t come in.

Also the fear of failing is too great for some, but without failing you are not even learning. Some don’t and never will learn because they are too afraid to take that first step. When they fall, they forgot how to stand up. Like a child, when they’re learning how to walk, they fall very often until they are able to walk on their own.

The older we get, the more we forgot the basic in life to always stand up when we fall if not we will never walk. We started ‘rationalizing’ about things but ultimately anything that prevents you from being greater isn’t rationalizing.

Live fully, die empty.