Using Cellphone to take Shrimp Pictures


There are many ways to take a good picture. I picked up photography when I was young and spent countless hours in the field taking macro photography.

Certainly it will be great if everyone can afford a DSLR a macro lens etc to get the perfect shot. However, what dictates a good photo? In my opinion a good photo is one where you can capture the moments.

In this blog post I will not be sharing how to use a DSLR to take shrimp pictures but simply using your phone and a clip on lens.

Clip on lens

Using this clip on lens is what i need to achieve clear pictures, and i have tested quite a few of them and this inexpensive clip on lens works great for cellphone with 1-2 lens. I haven’t yet test on a 3-5 lens cellphone. The whole idea is to use just 1 of the cellphone lens and then use this clip on. You can view the inexpensive lens $15 here:

There are some other types as well which i think serve the same purpose:

Trying on

  • I will also make sure that area is the feeding area. Shrimp will know eventually that is the feeding area.
  • I prefer taking pictures horizontally so I tilt my handphone sideways.
  • When focusing tap and adjust the brightness of the photo to reduce exposure and snap away.
  • Phone camera in general uses light optics to capture image so a good strong light for focusing will be good.
  • I like taking my shrimps horizontally due to the depth of field in phones.

Things to take note:

  1. Keep the shrimp and camera lens as parallel as possible as the Depth of Field is horizontal and if you capture the subject in a parallel, your picture will be crisp and sharp
  2. Most aquarium light nowadays are very bright, it is recommended to dial the brightness down using the phone function to capture more details
  3. Just keep practicing and in doubt please let me know and i can certainly help you out

Taken together

The clip on lens will do wonders after trying so many types. Give it a try and keep shooting!