With so many different type of shrimp food available in the market, they are in all kinds of shapes and sizes.

In my opinion most of the food size do not cater to our shrimp size and a good method will be to feed An amount that they are able to complete within an hour. Any left over food will eventually break down and pollute the tank water.

These pads are snip to smaller sizes so I can easily feed most of the tank and would be better to have 2 or more “piles” of shrimp feeding than 1 big ball because aggression during feeding doesn’t do any good.

I have tried this pad food for sometime and i have specially ordered this version 1 food because of its potency. The food is a staple complete food that can be fed daily or even mix with other food such as spinach etc.

In addition to this, the pad are also very good for neos and have great success with them. This can be fed to shrimplets as well as it breaks down into small powder on the outer edge giving the opportunity for shrimplets to consume.