The Truth About Shrimp Feeding: We’ve been doing it BACKWARDS!
Most shrimp keepers unknowingly feed their shrimp the same way they would fish, but shrimp require a different approach. Unlike fish, which eat in structured meals, shrimp are natural grazers, constantly foraging on biofilm. This nutrient-rich layer of microorganisms forms on tank surfaces and is their primary food source in the wild. Relying too much on commercial shrimp food can disrupt their natural feeding behavior and impact their health. Instead, focus on fostering a stable biofilm ecosystem in your tank by incorporating biofilm-friendly materials like moss and Kallax balls. This approach ensures your shrimp always have access to food, reduces stress, and improves survival rates—especially for baby shrimp. By shifting away from traditional feeding methods and embracing a biofilm-based approach, you can create a more natural, thriving environment for your shrimp. Support their instincts, feed smarter, and watch your shrimp flourish!
The Truth About Shrimp Feeding: We’ve been doing it BACKWARDS! Read More »